Guidance > Commercial > Facilities and Attendances

Facilities and Attendances



The FPS supports the use of standard contract forms wherever possible. The  Federation has identified a need for standard conditions to cover the special facilities which are required for foundation work. The following documents have been adopted by the Federation and widely used  - saving time and money for both the foundation contractor and the client

When using these conditions foundation contractors should adhere to the following principles:-

1.   unwanted clauses should be deleted entirely;

2.   additional items should be written separately into tender documents;

3.   if only part of a clause applies, the whole clause must be deleted and the required part can be reinstated elsewhere in the offer/contract.


Schedule - piling and diaphragm walling

Schedule - steel sheet piling




Documents Available

Guidance Notes

Schedule for Piling & Diaphragm Walling

Schedule for Sheet Steel Piling