Guidance > Technical > Pile Testing Pile TestingIndividual DatasheetsDatasheet No 1: Guidance for the Principal ContractorTo inform the site team what the testing contractor will need to do on site Datasheet No 2: Pile testing - interpretationTo help ensure that those interpreting the results of a pile test are competent to do so Datasheet No 3: Training programme for pile testing techniciansTo provide a basis for measuring competence of those carrying out pile testing Datasheet 4: The purpose of the pile load testTo encourage a relevant strategy for pile load testing Datasheet No 5: Pile load testing - what each type of test should realistically achieveTo improve the knowledge of what static, dynamic and rapid load tests can and cannot do Datasheet No 6: Pile load testing - basic information to be provided to the Testing ContractorTo improve the quality of information flow between the piling contractor and the testing contractor Datasheet No 7: Pile load testing - test capMany pile tests fail structurally rather than due to a geotechnical type failure, and a suitable test cap is essential to help prevent structural problems during testing. Datasheet No 8: Pile load testing - working platformTo ensure that the working platform is safe to use throughout the testing activities Datasheet No 9: Pile load testing - lone workingTo inform of the minimum standards required for safe pile load testing by a lone worker Datasheet No10: Pile integrity testing - a good practice guideExplains how the Principal Contractor and testing contractor should work together to ensure effective and timely results Datasheet No 11: Pile integrity testing - basic information to be provided to the Testing ContractorTo improve the quality of information flow between the piling contractor and the testing contractor Datasheet No 12: Pile integrity testing - why it is important to allow enough time between pile testing and pile cap constructionThe Principal Contractor may get frustrated if not all of the tests are positive first time, due to a lack of awareness that the test result may not be an instant pass or fail Datasheet No 13: Pile integrity testing - terminologyTo encourage a consistent description for each stage of evaluating the data Datasheet No 14: Pile integrity testing using Cross Hole Sonic LoggingTo encourage a consistent criteria for evaluating the data Datasheet No 15: Pile testing - safetyTo highlight specific hazards for pile testing |